5 Ways to Get Fit At Work

One of the best things about wearing medical scrubs is that they stretch and can often mask the addition of a few pounds. Occasionally, though, you have to wear regular clothes and that is when the truth hits and the resolutions start. Being healthy and fit have their obvious perks: living longer and feeling happier when you look in the mirror. Often, people use work as an excuse for why they can’t work out. What I’m proposing is mind blowing! Are you ready? Workout at work! How, you ask? Here are a few options.

First, do you take the elevator or escalator up or down? If yes, how many times per day? Consider taking the stairs. You can burn 0.1 calories per step climbed and 0.05 calories per step descended. That means you could lose about half a pound per year if the only lifestyle change you made was taking the stairs over the elevator!

Do you work at a desk? Take mini breaks every few hours and do some desk exercises with mini bands or weights. I’m not talking about tons of sets, just 5-10 reps every 3-4 hours and you will be gaining muscle while sitting down! You can also include wall sits into this routine to perk up that backside in no time.

Hate finding a table to sit at during lunch? No problem! Grab a sandwich and take your lunch on the go! If you office or hospital have nice grounds, take a stroll outside. If it’s raining or cold, walk the corridors. (Don’t worry, people will think you’re headed somewhere important.) Depending on how fast you walk, you can potentially burn between 120 and 180 calories walking for 30 minutes.

Getting fit isn’t only about workout out, of course. Choosing a salad over french fries or water over soda will also cut down your daily calorie intake. With the constant barrage of desserts and snacks that come into the office from co-workers or patients, it is often hard to control the urge to eat all day. Bringing your own healthy alternatives can help. Carrots, celery, pretzels, hummus and fruits are just a few things you can bring in to supplement your lunch, because you won’t feel the urge to splurge on cake if you are already full.

Portion control is also an easy way to eat better. Choosing a small plate and filling it will trick your mind into thinking it is eating more and you will feel fuller faster. Initiating a healthy eating protocol with co-workers will also help you stick to your new system and make you less likely to stray. Whichever way you choose to get fit, try to stick with it and see it as more of a lifestyle change or it will be a constant battle. Don’t restrict yourself too much, have fun with it and you will see the results!

medical scrubs
medical scrubs

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