5 Ways To Safely Buy Groceries

Let’s face it: no one wants to get sick, especially now. Germs have always been everywhere, but with COVID-19 on the rise worldwide, we are all more conscious of keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe from possible infection. No matter where you live, the fear revolving around the coronavirus has been oppressive. To minimize the fear, it is important to make a routine of all your cleaning, disinfecting and safety practices so that they become second nature and steps will not be forgotten. Here are 5 easy ways to protect yourself and minimize germs that you can actually follow long-term:

  1. If you can, order groceries online or by phone and have them delivered. Many stores are offering this service and even if they do not advertise it on their website, it doesn’t hurt to call and check. Here are a few stores that definitely have a delivery service option: Instacart [many local big chain stores will be listed here to choose from], Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods via Amazon. Many small stores and shops are offering curb side delivery in order to boost sales if none of these options work for you—it is best to call them to verify. Ordering online or by phone and avoiding entering the supermarket is the safest option. Grocery store workers are offering an unbelievable service by keeping stores stocked and helping customers check out, yet they are exposed to hundreds of people per day. Many stores are not set up to allow for directional traffic to lessen the amount of people you come into contact with, may have narrow aisles, and it is impossible to avoid touching things when you have to checkout and pay. Receiving an order at your car or home lessens these exposures and contact with others tremendously.

  2. Disinfect your groceries before you bring them into your house. It goes without saying that removing the germs before they enter your home is the goal. Take disinfecting wipes outside, open boxes or bags outside, wipe each purchase with the wipe and place it inside your home in a clean container or area. If fruits or vegetables are part of your order, wipe the bag they came in if possible or place them into a separate container or place. Then, bring the fruits and vegetables to the sink and wash with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds before putting them away. Some fruits that are difficult to wash (like strawberries) may be best to avoid during this time or bought at a local farm where exposure is also minimal.

  3. Dispose of boxes and dirty wipes and then wash your hands before putting groceries away. This way, things won’t build up and you have a clean slate for your next delivery.

  4. Wear a mask and disposable gloves if you have to go out. There are many parts of this country that do not have stores that will deliver nearby. If you have to go to the store, wear a mask and make it more closely fitting with this hack. You can also use a clean, dry baby wipe or paper towel as a filter in a cotton mask. Do not put on disposable gloves until you are leaving your car to enter the store and make sure to remove them before entering your car. Another option is to wear cotton gloves and wash them after every use. One more tip would be to consider changing your clothes when you come home to add another layer of protection.

  5. Use a germ removal wipe or hand sanitizer and then wash your hands for 20 seconds. If you have kids, you know that it is hard to get them to wash their hands for the recommended amount of time or to wash their hands each time they come into the house. Something simple you can start doing is having a set of germ removal wipes or hand sanitizer right by your front door so that your family can use this and then go to the sink to wash with warm water and soap for 20 seconds.

Hopefully these tips will help you find a routine that works for you! Please share any additional tips and tricks in the comment section. Stay healthy and safe, everyone!


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