Ways To Wear Scrubs: What Can You Wear Under Your Uniform?

You’re always freezing at work.

You want to know what to wear under scrubs to stay warm  but aren’t sure what type of clothing is most comfortable and effective. 

What if we told you that you could stay warm and comfortable without wearing layers underneath your scrubs? 

In this guide, we will show you what type of clothing you can wear under scrubs and the alternative to staying warm without wearing layers of clothes. 

Table of Contents


How To Wear Scrubs — The Importance of Properly Fitted Scrubs

The saying “dress for success” is accurate. 

The fit of your scrubs can not only impact your ability to do certain work tasks but can also impact your patient’s impression of your abilities.

Let’s take a look at a few reasons why you need to have properly fitted scrubs.


A patient’s first impression is extremely important in setting the tone for full trust and confidence in your abilities. 

Before you can even introduce yourself to the patient, your appearance is already speaking about your credibility. 

A study published by the Journal of American Medical Association showed that over half (59%) of ICU patients’ families considered professional dress important in their first impression of a physician. The study also revealed that respondents associated professional attire with: 

  • Honesty 

  • Knowledge 

  • Better care

Your scrubs should be well-fitted and appropriate for your work environment. Baggy, wrinkled scrubs send the wrong message to your patients.


Aside from professional appearance, your comfort is also a huge reason why you need properly fitted scrubs.

You don’t want to spend your entire twelve hour shift feeling uncomfortable. Studies show that being too hot or cold at work can cause a decrease in productivity. 

Scrubs that are too tightly fitted can restrict your movement and hinder your ability to properly care for your patient. 

Scrubs that are too loosely fitted can be a nuisance and also impact your work abilities. There’s not a lot of good opportunities to stop and hike up the hem of your scrub pants when you're caring for a patient. 

To Layer Or Not To Layer?

You know the Shakespeare quote, “To layer or not to layer? That is the question. Whether tis’ nobler to suffer from freezing hospital temperatures or wear clothing underneath your scrubs.” 

Okay, maybe that’s not exactly what Shakespeare said, but seriously— sometimes it is downright necessary to wear clothing underneath your scrubs. 

Unless you have high-quality lined scrubs to keep you warm, that is.

When To Layer

The radiology department is cold. The lab is cold. The emergency room is cold. Heck, even the breakroom is cold.

Basically, no matter where you are, the temperature is always going to be cold in a medical setting and for many good reasons

To help stay comfortable, you may choose to wear additional layers underneath your clothing to help you keep warm.

Additionally, if your job requires a lot of bending over, a tank top or undershirt may be necessary depending on the style of your scrubs. 

When Should You Stay Away From Layers

Certain circumstances and places of work do not allow for any added layers under uniforms. 

If you work in or around the OR, you may not be allowed to wear layers underneath your scrubs for cleanliness purposes like avoiding contamination or the spread of pathogens. 

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t stay warm while working in the OR. 

Silver Lining Scrubs are lined to keep you warm while maintaining cleanliness in your work environment.

What To Wear Under Scrubs

What you wear underneath your scrubs is essential for effectiveness, as well as avoiding some fashion faux pas. Remember, professional appearance is important.

So, what do you wear under scrubs?

Let’s take a look at some appropriate types of garments you can wear underneath your scrubs. 

What To Wear Under Scrub Tops

When choosing which type of shirts to wear under scrubs, it’s important to keep these factors in mind: 

  • Fit. Your clothing should be well fitted so you can maintain a professional look. Loose-fitting underclothes can make you look sloppy. You don’t want the hem of your undershirt peeking out from your scrub top.

  • Color. Underclothes should be light in color and not able to be seen through your scrubs. The same applies for long-sleeved shirts. If you are wearing a long-sleeved shirt, you’ll also want to make sure that the light color compliments your scrubs. A hot pink long-sleeved shirt with a blue scrub top is a no go. 

  • Type. Tank tops and undershirts that are not visible can be great options to wear under your scrub top. Your workplace may also allow you to wear long-sleeved shirts as long as you can roll or push them above the elbow when needed. Keep in mind that long-sleeved shirts are also easier to stain and carry around germs than non-exposed clothing.

What Do You Wear Under Scrub Pants?

Breathable spandex shorts or thermal underwear can be great choices to layer underneath scrub pants and help you stay warm. 
You’ll want to keep in mind the same considerations listed for layers under scrub tops above. No see-through colors or loose-fitting clothing.

Leggings Under Scrubs — Is It Smart?

Your 12 hour shift is over and you are feeling a little gross. 

You can’t wait to take off your scrubs when you get home. If you are wearing leggings, you can strip off your scrub pants in the parking lot before hopping into your car. If you’re not wearing leggings, please don’t do this.

Wearing leggings under scrubs has become more popular among medical professionals for this reason— it’s a good hack for taking off your scrub pants as soon as possible. 

Some people may find wearing leggings underneath scrub pants a little too restricting or uncomfortable, so you would need to test out this strategy before deciding if it is a good option for you. 

What Do You Wear Under White Scrubs?

You are ready to start your first round of clinicals, and of all the things that could make you feel nervous, you’re worried about wearing white scrubs. 

It’s true that white scrubs can be the most unforgiving when it comes to wearing layers or even just wearing undergarments. 

Wearing white or light beige clothing or undergarments will help you avoid any embarrassing “see-through” moments so you can focus on what’s important— acing your clinicals.

How To Wear Scrubs If You Want To Be Comfortable and Avoid Unnecessary Layers

If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of figuring out what to wear under scrubs, Silver Lining Scrubs is the perfect answer. 


Silver Lining Scrubs offers high-quality, lined, and tailored scrubs to keep you warm year-round— or in the dreaded hospital AC.

What Makes Silver Lining Scrubs Different?

Silver Lining Scrubs has unique features that make them unlike any other scrubs you have worn before: 

  • Premium fits. With Silver Lining Scrubs, you can expect a fit that makes you comfortable and confident.

  • High-Quality Lining. Never have to worry about wearing layers again with a comfortable lining to keep you warm. 

  • Easy to Clean. Just toss them in the washer on a cold water cycle and dry on low for a softer lining with every wash. 


A Style Guide to How Scrubs Are Supposed to Fit


Cold Weather Scrubs - Benefits and Where to Find Them